It really is difficult to take the “war on terror” seriously when the former head of a brutal regime that was (and still is) officially declared by the United States Government to be a “Terrorist Sponsoring Nation” is prancing around the United States as a VIP guest with the full knowledge and acquiescence of the US State Department. If words are to have meaning, and if the “war on terror” is taken as seriously as it should be, Mohammad Khatami, the immediate former President of Iran would be in handcuffs and sitting in a jail cell right now instead of jet-setting around giving speeches and treated like a Hollywood celebrity, in the same country that declared his regime "terrorist sponsoring."
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The term 'Islamic fascist' is accurate
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Is There a Constitutional Right to Castrate Children?
A racist, former Survivor contestant and tobacco progressive sued the
president claiming that unless we castrate the kids, they’ll die. And a
judge rule...
2 hours ago
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