This latest report from the UK Daily Mail tells you just how whacky some on the far left really are. And when we say whacky, we don't mean it in a kindly English-eccentric sort of way, we mean truly mentally unstable individuals. People that should be examined with an eye towards being institutionalized, but instead are teaching kids at perfectly respectable universities.
These academics believe that a group of US neo-conservatives (read Jews) called the Project for a New American Century, set on US world dominance, in a gaint conspiracy orchestrated the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to hit Iraq, Afghanistan and later Iran. The Neocon urges all of our readers to read the Daily Mail article if only to gain an understaning of how some peoples minds work. It is truly astonishing that folks like these have access to impressionable young minds as captive audiences in university classrooms.
In other news: Iran's official news agency reported Wednesday what appeared to be a veiled threat from hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President Bush.During the same speech Wednesday, Ahmadinejad reiterated a proposal from last month to debate Bush, suggesting on Wednesday that the United Nations would be the ideal venue, his official web site reported.
The official Islamic Republic News Agency said Ahmadinejad had warned in a speech that anyone who refused to accept an invitation would suffer a bad fate. It said the statement was a reference to Bush's rejection of an invitation by Ahmadinejad for a televised debate. The official news agency did not provide any exact quote from Ahmadinejad containing those words, but reported that he said them. It quoted Ahmadinejad directly as saying: "This is not a threat by me. This is a threat by the entire universe. The universal trend is against suppression."
Tags: Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit, Hezbollah, Fox News, CNN, Media
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judge rule...
9 hours ago
Reading the article, I noticed that the best patriotic supporters of the "official" version could do, was attack the integrity of the academics, laugh them off, and show no interest in allowing analysis of what those academics 'claim' to have. Why? What do they fear? The standard reponse seemed to be - "It would be impossible to keep such a thing under wraps". Have these people even looked at the mass of facts these academics 'claim' to have? No, they haven't because they don't seem to be public yet. So how can they make such an important decision without even having looked at the evidence which is 'claimed'?
ReplyDeleteIf these guys (I quote) - "...say the facts of their investigations cannot be ignored and say they have evidence that points to one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated", then why doesn't everyone (including Congress) just 'look' at their so called evidence, respond to their questions with "facts" (and not dismissals) and "then" put these guy's mouths to rest, publicly? Dismissing them as nuts from the 'beginning', laughing them off, and attacking their mental health just because they aren't buying the given story, shows great fear on the part of those who are comfortable with the given story, and don't want 'certaintys' rocked. No, "let" them have their say.
Analyze their so called 'evidence', and if it is proved that their facts are sheer nonsense, "then" dismiss them and it will put to rest all conspiracy theories regarding 9/11 for good. Everyone likes to feel at ease with what they've been told. Nobody want's their certaintys rocked.
If these academics are "shouted down" with furious censoring reponses of "Have you no shame? You're tarnishing the memory of those who perished" then aren't we just as bad as those mobs who tried to shut up Europe over some Cartoons because the implications in some of the cartoons that the Islamic world 'does' have people who use the message of Muhammad to commit murder, was too much to bare?. If these 'academics' theory proves to be nonsense, "then" dismiss them as nuts. Not yet.
After all, we claim to be the 'enlightened' western world who don't censor other people, dont' we? One reason for our success has been in giving those "whackos" who would be censored or jailed in other cultures, a chance to prove themselves and their theory. At one time in history, people were shouted down in respected Universitys for saying the world was round, after everyone had become quite comfortable with other explanations. At one time, people believed that boiling seas and hideous sea monster met any seafarer who tried to navigate the world's oceans.
Or has western civilization in the last few years suddenly taken to muffling those who we once gave voice to, in favour of comforting explanations about events in life?
The fact that Mr. “Anonymous” would even entertain this kind of nonsense is truly telling. There has been an extensive, complete and conclusive investigation, it was called the 9/11 Commission. They produced the non-partisan and definitive narrative of the events of 9/11, through the public interviewing of hundreds of witnesses and experts. But no sane individual would even need the 9/11 Commission to know the basic underlying truths. As far as I know, there are no missing Neocon’s who died while crashing planes into the World Trade Center Towers. There are a bunch of Muslim Arabs, mostly from Saudi Arabia who boarded the plans and literally hundreds of taped eyewitness accounts from the passengers themselves who called in from cell phones to report from inside the planes. The hijackers themselves radioed in to announce that they have taken control of the planes and Osama Bin Laden himself proudly took responsibility for the attack. Some of the main planers of the attack (such as Khalid Sheik Mohammed) have since been captured and interrogated. The idea that a bunch of Neocon’s ran around planting explosives to follow up on the planes crashing is…well…down right sick. This is truly the mother of all whacky conspiracy theories. What else is left to say?
ReplyDeleteObviously those involved in this venture (and relatives who apparently put countless questions to the commision but were never answered) feel that the 9/11 report hasn't answered certain questions adequately they feel are very important. If it had, then clearly they wouldn't feel the need to do this. Why aren't the response questions to the 9/11 commision explanations, being answered? Only if the 9/11 report was transparent and open ended, could it be admired. But no, it seems to be a situation of - "Case closed" and objections to the report are dismissed as "a waste of time". As far as I know, the main focus of concern appears to be about the official explanation given about the mechanics leading to the collapse of both twin towers, which a large number of experts (putting their reputations on the line) claim isn't possible in the way it has been explained away. So, why not analyze their data and put their concerns to rest with facts, and not dismissals that they are whacko? At face value, do I personally feel that elements within the United States Government set up the attacks 'themselves' and it had nothing to do with militant Islamic Fundamentalism? No. But I suspect that elements within the United States Government knew damn well this attack was on it's way, and let it happen. I mean, look at the blank cheque the offical story has given to go around invading countries,over throwing United States un-friendly regimes and installing puppet governments, while domestically turning the United States into a police state in which a huge number of people will now back any new invasion due to the climate of fear created. If the so called 'whacko conspiracy theorists' were just saying all this without science, experimentation,and reputations on the line,it would be 'easy' to dismiss them as unstable nuts who don't know what they are talking about.
ReplyDeleteYes, well, following every traumatic event in history there has always been a fringe who cannot accept reality. Roosevelt was accused by conspiracy theorists that he had advance knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and “let it happen.” The CIA and a host of others including LBJ were accused by conspiracy theorists of arranging the assassination of JFK, and that there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll. The fact of the matter is that it is a huge waste of time debating such folks because no matter what the evidence, and no matter how patently obvious the facts are, the conspiracy nut-jobs will always create an industry with claims of “overlooked evidence” and a gigantic conspiracy, while the rest of us are a bunch of duped idiots. It is always the most predictable by-product of any traumatic event.
ReplyDeleteJust for fun, click on the below link and it will lead you to other links where the moonbats reside.
Blatantly obvious facts? Obviously they are not 'facts', because several of the claims are strongly contested by a plethora of scientists who have read the report and say many of the mechanical explanations given out to people to swiftly wrap it up and put it to rest, aren't possible. When a commision researches and then closes the case without allowing the public to respond with questions of their own after reading it, it actually 'encourages' your so called 'Nut jobs'. Wouldn't you agree? Perhaps you're only making it worse for yourself? Be transparent, leave it open ended, and the 'nut jobs' can be proved wrong publicly. Wrap it up and leave no room for further questioning, and you hand them ammunition. 9/11 was a criminal act, and any nation truly interested in 'justice', won't close the book without leaving their report open for response questions so that citizens of the United States have a say in the final verdict. How many cases of injustice have there been in the world where people have been jailed on so called 'facts', only to find out 30 years after they've been in jail, that they were set up for a variety of reasons? Only because the nation involved re-opened the case, was it possible to discover the truth. Will that happen with 9/11? I very much doubt it. Too much fury and unwillingness to listen to ideas that make people uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, when we have something like Operation Northwoods, then it hardly inspires confidence in the public that our governments are always being perfectly straight with us. I believe that our governments will stoop to the lowest levels to get things done. Already in our history, our leaders have colluded with known dictators and criminals when it suited them, and when their purposes was served (or they refused) they were declared enemy number one. Doesn't inspire confidence really.