Clearly the Sunni dominated Al Qaeda is feeling outdone these days by the Shiite dominated Hezbollah for leadership of the fraternity of the brotherhood of international, Islamo-fascist Jihadisim and infidel slayers. As Hassan Nassrallah gains in notoriety over Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda is under great pressure to expedite its terror plans to remain relevant. Fortunately for the civilized world, expedited plans under pressure may also mean making mistakes that help expose the plot. This seems to be developing into a bizarre competition between two Islamo-nut-job camps whose leaders spend their days hiding out in caves producing video taped messages to fanatical followers willing to blow themselves up. Excellent coverage of this developing situation from Counter Terror
'Airlines terror plot' disrupted
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'Red' Alert on British Flights to U.S.
The Anatomy of the Foiled Plot in London
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Tags: Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit, Hezbollah, Fox News, CNN, Media
DEAR TRAVELER: If you are one of the thousands upon thousands of people stranded at an airport security line at this very moment, it might be a good idea to remember why you are standing in that endless line and may miss your flight. It’s not the weather. You are currently feeling the consequences of a world-wide Islamo-fascists threat to kill you and everybody standing in that line with you. FYI.
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