Regular readers of the Neocon Express know that we rarely dwell on religious themes, but this interesting item caught my attention because of the potential political ramifications. If the ‘Christian Edition’ of the Jerusalem Post takes off, as we suspect it will, it will undoubtedly become an influential voice for a very large population in the Western World. As usual, we also find the links below informative and interesting reading, particularly the poll taken recently in the US about attitudes towards the Arab-Israeli conflict.
"Star Wars" agency helps Israel on rocket threat
Iran says won't back down over atomic rights
Poll: Deep Well of Good Will for Israel in the USA
The Olmert government must go
It Is Islamic Fascism
The EU Idiot's Guide to Islamic Extremism
In Israel, the Political Casualties Start to Mount
Assad: America's Mideast 'an illusion'
UNIFIL chief Wants 'strong measures' to enforce UN resolution
Record immigration to Israel in spite of crisis
Tags: Middle East, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, G-8 Summit, Hezbollah, Fox News, CNN, Media
Forecasting the Future of the West
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