Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Mideast Conflict Hard to Solve, Easy to Explain

"The Middle East conflict is difficult to solve, but it is among the simplest conflicts in history to understand. The Arab and other Muslim enemies of Israel (for the easily confused, this does not mean every Arab or every Muslim) want Israel destroyed. That is why there is a Middle East conflict. Everything else is commentary. Those who deny this and ascribe the conflict to other reasons, such as "Israeli occupation," "Jewish settlements," a "cycle of violence," "the Zionist lobby" and the like, do so despite the fact that Israel's enemies regularly announce the reason for the conflict."
Dennis Prager

A Conflict That Will Stay Close to Home
Iran is the cause of chaos in Lebanon and Iraq.

The Neocon is plesently flabbergasted by the clear thinking of some Editorial Boards of some newspapers that are usually nattering nabobs of nothing. First the LA Times (posted earlier) correctly expressed with moral and strategic clarity what is currently going on in the Middle East. Now, stunningly, the Washington Post has accurately articulated the situation and who is responsible for this conflagration. Congratulations to these two publications, lets hope that this is the beginning of a trend.
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1 comment:

  1. It's crucial that peoples of the world understand all this situation implies. Thanks for your help.

    I'm linking from my site to this article.


    shirley Buxton


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