Monday, May 01, 2006

Hard Left Co-opting Immigration Issue

The left hitches its wagon to immigrant discontent and revives ‘May Day’, that special day for every Socialist, Communist and Anarchist. The Neocon has not jumped on the immigration issue bandwagon, simply because I personally know so many hard-working, family-oriented Latino’s and understand how painful this issue can be for them. I know that the overwhelming majority of Latino’s are looking for a better life for their families. Unlike the Muslim immigrants of Europe, Latino’s in America share a common religion and many values with the majority and are eager, like generations of immigrants before them, to work hard, pay their dues and leave a better and more prosperous life for their children. In short, the American dream. The Neocon supports a realistic solution to this all important matter, one that strengthens the cohesiveness (integration instead of multi-culturalisim, and respect for the rule of law) of the country instead of ripping us apart precisely at a time in world affairs when the projection of American unity is critical.

Unfortunately however, the possibility of a reasoned solution is put at risk by the attempted co-opting and exploitation of this issue by radical leftists with an anti-American agenda. It is no coincidence that the day of protests and boycotts was scheduled for May Day. There is a clear attempt to radicalize the Latino populations in North America. This attempt does not serve the cause of immigrants and indeed will likely cause a backlash. Today’s events will help tell the story.

A Sage in Christendom
The Muslim world's new martyrs
Media hide facts about CIA leaker Mary McCarthy
Blowback on the Press
Hamas can't even fake moderation
Boycotting the Gringo
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WSJ Observation: Great Minds Think Alike

* "Murtha Assesses U.S. Army as 'Broken' "--headline, Washington Times, Dec. 2, 2005

* "Al-Zawahri Says U.S. 'Broken' in Iraq"--headline, Associated Press, April 29, 2006


  1. Thanks Neocon for stepping off the witchunt bandwagon that's been cruising down McCarthy lane
    Short of Japaneses internment camps, but not far, I hope people against immigration reform reaccess who
    their enemy is.

    I believe we can battle an external enemy such as terrorists, but only as a unified country. We cannot suffer
    the loss of the Latino Community.

    What do you think about a program that encourages immigrants to serve in the armed forces to gain legal status?


    Wisco Kid

  2. I take your very position in sweden is sick.

    The hispanics, despite some of the rhetoric will become Americans, the Muslims will never accept our culture.


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