Friday, March 17, 2006

Pundit Gone Whako: Paul Craig Roberts Say Bush Will Explode WMD in US to Sacre Us Into Iran Attack

In literally one of the most bizarre and despicable attacks ever mounted on a sitting President, a respected former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, former contributing editor for National Review, and a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts suggests that President Bush, aided by evil "bloodthirsty neocons" will detonate a nuclear device close to the United States to justify attacking Iran.

"...a low yield, perhaps tactical, nuclear weapon will be exploded some distance out from a US port. Death and destruction will be minimized, but fear and hysteria will be maximized. Americans will be told that the ship bearing the weapon was discovered and intercepted just in time, thanks to Bush’s illegal spying program, and that Iran is to blame. A more powerful wave of fear and outrage will again bind the American people to Bush, and the US media will not report the rest of the world’s doubts of the explanation."
Paul Craig Roberts is now the chairman of the Independent Institute. This man has fallen off the deep end and needs profesional help.

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Hat Tip: Front Page Magazine


  1. It is bizarre; 10-15 years ago, Paul Craig Roberts was an intelligent pro-capitalist voice on the right. Since around the late 90s he has been gradually losing it, and it seems now has spread his wings as a full-fledged moonbat.

    What a shame.

    p.s. YAAARH!

  2. Sounds like he's "independent", allright. Independent of his faculties, that is.

    Henry Jennings


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