Monday, March 27, 2006

Op-ed Of The Day, Krauthammer: What's at stake in the dispute over Iranian nukes? Ultimately, HUMAN SURVIVAL

"With infinitely accelerated exchanges of information helping develop whole new generations of scientists, extremist countries led by similarly extreme men will be in a position to acquire nuclear weaponry. If nothing is done, we face not proliferation but hyperproliferation. Not just one but many radical states will get weapons of mass extinction, and then so will the fanatical and suicidal terrorists who are their brothers and clients.

That will present the world with two futures. The first is Feynman's vision of human destruction on a scale never seen. The second, perhaps after one or two cities are lost with millions killed in a single day, is a radical abolition of liberal democracy as the species tries to maintain itself by reverting to strict authoritarianism--a self-imposed expulsion from the Eden of post-Enlightenment freedom."

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Fund: Mr. Levin, Meet Ms. Rohbar
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1 comment:

  1. What a red herring!
    Why does everyoen so fear a nuclear Iran but the Taliban controlled nuclear Afghanistan never drew a second look.

    Isnt the Taliban still the boogey man, or have we changed again?


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