QUOTE OF THE DAY, KRAUTHAMMER: "In my naivete, I used to think that HOLLYWOOD had achieved its nadir with Oliver Stone's ``JFK,'' a film that taught a generation of Americans that President Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA and the FBI in collaboration with Lyndon Johnson. But at least it was for domestic consumption, an internal affair of only marginal interest to other countries. ``SYRIANA'' however, is meant for export, carrying the most vicious and pernicious mendacities about America to a receptive world. Most liberalism is angst- and guilt-ridden, seeing moral equivalence everywhere. ``Syriana'' is of a different species entirely -- a pathological variety that burns with the certainty of its malign anti-Americanism. Osama bin Laden could not have scripted this film with more conviction."
Winners and Losers
Oscars predictions and distractions.
Brokeback – Infidelity & "Alternative Lifestyle"
Crash – America the Racist
Syriana – America Hating
Munich – Terror Understanding
Paradise Now – Suicide Bombers
Transamerica - Transvestites are us
Etc...ect...etc...mybe it's just me...
Publish or Perish: The Central Lesson of the Cartoon Jihad
Ports and pitchforks
Our Two-Faced ‘Friends’ in the Middle East
Oscars for Osama
Playing it smart in the Middle East.
Bravo: Lawmaker Duncan Hunter vows to kill ports deal
Will: Rhetoric of Unreality: Where Is Iraq After 3 Years of War?And the losers are ... the Jews
Bird Flu Won't Wait
Hamas leader won’t budge on Israel
University of Saskatchewan - Jesus Oral Sex Cartoon: Yes, Mohammed Cartoon: No. Hat Tip to Lone Pony
Is There a Constitutional Right to Castrate Children?
A racist, former Survivor contestant and tobacco progressive sued the
president claiming that unless we castrate the kids, they’ll die. And a
judge rule...
1 hour ago
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