Syrian Poet Adonis [Ali Ahmad Said Asbar] delivers an excellent interview on Al Jazeera. Although far more cautious than Dr. Wafa Sultan, thus likely avoiding a Fatwa on his head, non-the-less it is refeashing to see that 1) There are a few "moderate" voices in the wilderness of Islam, and 2) That Al Jazeera took the time to interview him between airing Osama bin Laden tapes and beheading vedios. Transcript. Hat tip: MIMRI.
Tags: Al Jazeera, Syrian Poet Adonis, Wafa Sultan, Islam
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15 hours ago
Wonderful Video. Indeed, a fresh way of saying similar things. Less grenade throwing and less provokative than Dr Sultan's. Sultan's video was certainly powerful and spellbinding, but also rather agressive. This guy was serene and can appeal to people's common sense, by drawing people "towards" his view instead of hard finger pointing. Muslims love debate in this form. And, it helps that he is Muslim himself of course (I assume) unlike Dr Sultan, who I understand rejected the faith like Salman Rushdie. The Islamic world won't listen to Sultan, because they think she's been seduced by the Satanic west.