Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Man Faces Death Penalty In Afghanistan for Converting to Christianity: Call Afghan Embassy at 202-483-6410

This is an easy one: The Taliban are gone, but some things remain the same. A man by the name of Abdul Rahman decided to convert from Islam to Christianity. He was tried and convicted to DEATH in an afghan court for this "crime". Where is the ACLU? Where is the Christian Coalition?....WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES on this outrage? It should be fairly easy to organize a spontaneous campaign of phone calls to the Afghan Embassy....

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  1. As barbaric as it may seem, according to Muslim law if your try to convert Muslims it is punishable by death. This guy knew that a head of time, so what's the problem.

  2. So much for the oft repeated line - "Jews and Christians are people of the book, and we respect them". Islam cannot handle conversion unless it is conversion towards Islam. I believe that one of the reasons Salman Rushdie was so hated, is because that aswell as writing the book, he grew up in a Muslim family and rejected the Religion.

  3. WOW! that's quite a statment from rainillie who comes to us from Cambridge, UK. 1) Mr. Rahman converted from Islam to Christianity, he is not accused to converting others. 2) Even if he was accused of converting others, he deserves the Death Penalty for that? WOW, that really is quiet a leap and exposes a certain dangerous mentality. Your profile describes hate towards others who disagree with you. Perhaps you should seek help in that regard. Hate is not a healthy thing to carry around.


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