A few days following Vital Perspective's report on Iran's accelerated Nuclear activity, posted on this web site and a small group of others, The Los Angeles Times today is confirming the report. This Once again proves that a few people with a computer and good sources can easily out-scoop multi-billion dollar media conglomerates from the comfort of their own home office. How much more proof is needed that Newspapers are dinosaurs?
To Paraphrase ‘An Army of Davids’: To call Journalism a profession, is like calling checkers a sport. Journalism is not a profession, it’s an activity. Engineering is a profession, Architecture is a profession, Medial Research is a profession, Journalism is an activity, and like all activities, some people do it better than others, and some people do it more profitably than others, but unlike a real profession, any minimally educated person can do it, and in many cases quite well.
Tags:Iran, Nuclear, Terror, Blogs, Los Angeles Times
Al Qaeda's nuclear option
Top 20 Democrat Ironies
*"A party so filled with hate it can’t even cheer a child because Trump
introduced him" -- Robert Zimmerman*
Here’s my curated list of the most ironic act...
4 hours ago
Despite the lack of enterprising reporting seen in major news outlets, journalism remains a very dignified profession that combines a constant strive to adhere to highest morals. Journalists are the watch dogs of societs, that are thier when government fails to give voice to those that are often unheard, to police the police and assign cupability to those that govern the people. The multiple disciplines that journalists need to embody to meet the rigors and demand of thier practice are intense and they are often extremley underpaid. Journalism remains an activity to those do not need to ahere to highest morals of reporting. To the rest, to the professionals in this dying field, I have the outmost respect for thier sacrafice.