The Neocon’s wife made the provacative point last night that it’s almost as if Iran is goading the West into attacking; as if they want to be attacked, possibly because they have something unknown up their sleeve in the way of a response. How else, she asked, can we explain the bizarre behavior: The public denials of the Holocaust, calls for the destruction of Israel, threats to pull out of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, threats to “cause harm and pain to the United States,” etc…etc… and now with this public rejection of the Russian uranium enrichment compromise, she believes it’s part of a calculated plan to get the west to attack. We then argued over the two theories of where things stand: 1) Iran and its President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have gone completely insane (which would be a huge threat in and of itself), or 2) Iran and its leader are crazy like a fox which may explain Ahmadinejad’s brazen cockiness. I’m going with #1. My wife is going with #2. Will the marriage survive?
Tags: UN, Iran, Russia
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