The world is on the edge of crisis. A full blow Culture War has broken out involving global intimidation and freedom of the press. Terrorist nations on the verge of achieving nuclear bombs, with world energy prices set to explode. US forces fighting Jihadist killers around the world who would nuke New York City in a heartbeat if given the chance; with the future of Western Civilization at stake
What does our deep media obsess over? Dick Chaney’s hunting accident! Yep, you got that right. Nobody was killed, no embassies were burned to the ground, no riots ensued, no uranium enrichment was involved.
The Decline and Fall of Europe
Walking into a trap?
PA: Likud Jews behind Muhammad cartoons
Report: Iran restarts uranium work
Get the picture?
Prophet and loss: U.S. media's failure to print the Danish cartoons is craven
Syria switches to euro amid confrontation with US
.“Moslem States Represent a Potential Threat to World Peace”
Venezuela ready to receive Hamas visit 'with pleasure'
Murderous censorship
NEOCON MEDIA HALL OF SHAME: Although the Neocon generally deems Fox News as more friendly to our side of the spectrum than its competitors, we marvel (in the negative sense) at what passes as “news” sometimes in the main-stream media, including on FNC. “News” Items that are literally of ZERO consequence to the future of the world are hyped as serious stuff, and really should be in the “entertainment” category, or “sick entertainment” category to be more precise: Greta Van Sustren with her non-stop reporting of sick perversions, family killings and suicides, missing women…etc…etc… ENOUGH ALREADY! Good lord.
Dick Cheney
The Holocaust Didn’t Really Change Anything
Philosophers, writers and thinkers insisted that the Holocaust was an
inflection point in history, but it’s clearer now than ever before that it
did not...
1 hour ago
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