Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cartoons: Hizbullah's Nasrallah to West: "Change Your laws.....Or Else!"

Sheik Hassan Nasrallah the leader of Hezbollah, one of the largest terror organizations in the world and Lebanon's largest political party, speaking before hundreds of thousands of Shiite Muslims in Lebanon today loudly proclaimed: "There can be no settlement before an apology and there can be no settlement before laws are legislated by the European Parliament and the parliaments of European countries," Nasrallah said. "A law committing the press and the media in the West that prohibits insulting our prophet. If this matter cannot be achieved that means [the West] insists on continuing this," he added. Refering to the US, Nasrallah said "Let Condoleezza Rice and Bush and all the tyrants shut up. We are an Islamic nation that cannot tolerate, be silent or be lax when they insult our prophet and sanctities."

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