Saturday, August 05, 2006

Notice the Blue water, the white sand, the cloudless sky, the cold beer... the assult rifle and a few other lovely details. Not an advertisment for anything, just another day. Hat tip: The Jawa Report


  1. This is a great way to spread peace in the Middle East. Print the worst pictures you can find and demonize your enemy like Hitler did the Jews.

    You neocons also try to convince everyone in America that Israel's interests coincide in every respect with ours. They do not.

    You have convinced one fool, President Bush. You hated his father because he knew better than to let Israel run U.S. Middle East policy.

    Thanks to you neocons we are in a dead-end battle in Iraq. In Israel's interest maybe but not in the U.S.'s.

    Your pictures are shameful. Now go ahead and start your favorite name-calling because someone doesn't agree with you: "anti-Semite, anti-Semite."

  2. Dear "Anonymous", they/you can dish it out, but you can't take it. PS, these were not even close to the worst pictures I could find of the Islamo-facist street. These are actually very tame photos compared to what's out there. Anyway, I publish your remarks confidently knowing where most folks stand.


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