Tuesday, August 01, 2006

For Israel, Hard Reality: There Is No Substitute for Victory

The following three articles hit the nail on the head. Israel’s confused and unclear strategy to date has only served to play into the hands of the terrorist enemy. The “in and out” nonsense and the “go slow” approach is costing both Israel and the United States diplomatically, but more importantly, the spectacle of rockets raining down on Israeli population centers for weeks on end while Israel has appeared powerless and unwilling to do what it takes to stop it has damaged Israel’s deterrence posture in the extreme. The dependence on air-power alone only serves to reinforce the perception of an apparent lack of resolve and will to pay the necessary price on the ground, and is read by Israel’s enemies around the world as a sign of weakness and fear, the negative consequence of which will follow Israel far along its road. The solution, the only solution, is for Israel to demonstrate with absolute clarity a victory on the ground that will humiliate Hezbollah and end the rocket fire. Anything less is a defeat. All of the diplomatic maneuvers and “international forces” that may or may not come later are no substitute for victory.
Israel Needs To Act Fast
The consequences of an Israeli defeat would be ugly
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BREAKING: Israeli Soldiers parachute into Hezbollah stronghold of Baalbek in the Bekaa Valley close to Syrian Border

1 comment:

  1. hi....

    A few hundred well placed JerichoII missles in Tehran would not hurt either.

    The Iranians have poured millions into Hizbollah and HAMAS. Israel can take out 10,000 Kassams and they'll be replaced in weeks.

    Sure, go after the savage's fists and break them; but also lop off the savage's head, and that lies in Tehran.



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